I've been a licensed massage therapist in New York since 2000 and Arizona since 2005. I graduated from the New York College of Health Professions and received an associates degree in Massage Therapy. I decided almost from the start to work for myself so that I could ensure the quality of my practice on my own terms. Throughout my life, whenever anyone I knew would have a headache, sore muscles from some activity like sports or exercise, some major life stress, or would just feel "blah" in general, I would massage them...until one day I realized that being a massage therapist is my calling. It all began when I was 7 years old. My camp bus driver offered to save me the front seat if I'd massage her shoulders...she was a painter (and if she's reading this, I hope she contacts me so I can thank her for altering the course of my entire life for the better). My e-mail is: shana@thebodysattva.com. I became a Buddhist as a natural expression of my belief that, only through the acceptance of responsibility to ourselves for our own individual happiness and to others to support them in the creation of their own happiness can we achieve the type of world in which we can all live and grow in peace. Similar to the concept of Wholistic Healing/Health, in which each individual takes responsibility for their own health and well-being. It's truly a blessing to be able do what you love to do and are best at and be able to call it a career. Through my practice as a massage therapist I have been able to achieve this goal. I tend to work very deep and employ extremely varied techniques...some learned in school, some adapted from my experience with numerous patients and their different injuries or reactions to stress...a couple I even stole from wonderfully talented therapists who've been kind enough to treat me! Don't feel too bad, I'm the first to share - Karma is, after all, absolute. I look forward to treating you soon. Be well, Shana Lee Levin, LMT |