The following is some information we thought might be useful to all new patients
If you are taking advantage of an internet special or any other special or are using a gift certificate, please notify us at the time of scheduling your appointment
Be prepared to fill out paperwork for about 5 minutes prior to your first session and periodically throughout our therapeutic relationship -- this is a requirement by law and may not be skipped
Massage is generally performed without clothing (see rules & regulations below); If you prefer to wear underclothes, that is your right; We want you to be comfortable
Shower facilities are available for a small fee
Like in any good relationship, communication is key. If you have any questions or concerns or anything important to tell us, please don't hesitate to ask or to do so
If a session is in progress when you arrive, please be respectful and quietly enjoy our vibe and any of our reading materials
If you need a receipt for any purpose (unreimbursed medical, etc.) please let us know as soon as possible and a handwritten receipt can be made available immediately after treatment or an e-mail receipt can be forwarded to you within 48 hours or periodically as appropriate
All appointments require a credit card for verification and reservation (see rules & regulations below)
The BodySattva Rules & Regulations:
Please pay first
Gratuities are always appreciated, never expected
We follow all New York State draping laws (in AZ as well)
Please respect both the efforts and education of our therapists and New York/Arizona State Law by NOT soliciting us in any way---you will be asked to leave immediately without a refund and the authorities will be notified
Please notify us of any change in your medical condition or personal info. (i.e., phone/address, emergency contact #, surgeries/diagnoses, etc.)
Checks are only accepted from established patients. Any returned checks will be assessed a $35.00 fee
Your credit card will be charged for any missed appointment which is not cancelled by phone or e-mail at least 24 hours prior to your scheduled time
Cancellations made prior to and within 24 hours of your scheduled appointment will be charged to your credit and may be re-scheduled at your convenience
We very much look forwarding to serving you and being a part of your overall wellness program.
Be well & have a wonderful day